After getting a BS in Social Anthropology at the U of O Lou finally settled down working as a surveyor for the Bureau of Land Management in Eugene. It was there, that several of his co-workers became dissatisfied with the working conditions and formed a Union. Lou later went on to become a Representative for National Federation of Federal Employees (later to merge with AFGE).
He organized most of the Forest Service in western Oregon and Washington. About six years later he became a Rep for Oregon School Employees Association for another six years. And because of American Federation of State, County and Municipal’s commitment to democracy and local self-determination, he worked represented Council 75 members for the next 20 years until he retired in 2009.
He joined the AFSCME Retirees Chapter 75 when it formed and has been active in the Union since then. He currently serves as the Region 3 Representative on the Board and is President of sub-chapter 43 out of Eugene. He also serves as the chair for the standing committee for Health Care for All Oregon.